Winners of the Robofest-2011 festival took part in the 14th annual International CLAWAR-2011 conference in Paris
12 September 2011
The representatives of the three winning teams in the “mobile systems” category in the basic and free-form classes at Robofest-2011 took part in the 14th annual CLAWAR-2011 conference, which took place from September 5t through September 9th in Paris (The 14th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines).
Thanks to support from the Volnoe Delo Foundation, the conference was visited by the team representatives of Red Eyes (Kovrov, Vladimir Region), Fayst, MAI (Moscow), MobRob, SGTU (Saratov), Seltium, AGTU (Astrakhan); MobRob Free SGTU (Saratov) and Volga NNGU (Nizhniy Novgorod). The delegation of the Robotics Programme consisted of 12 members, with 2 representatives from each team.
For three days the conference visitors attended presentations and lectures, spoke with university students from all over the world and shared experience. They were particularly excited to hear the lecture given by a Canadian scientist on the subject of robotic modules in space, as well as the presentation on technological vision and the mathematical models of 3-wheel robots.
“We are grateful to the organizers of the Robotics Programme for giving us the opportunity to take part in such an event”, - said Alexander Petrov from Red Eyes» (Kovrov). “These last few days have allowed us to increase our outlook in the international field of robotics tremendously”.