Religious building construction and restoration
The Foundation is involved in restoring and reviving destroyed churches and monasteries, helping the revival and development of classical theological education and supporting shelters and orphanages.
The Foundation supports:
- The Church-Scientific "The Orthodox Encyclopedia" center has published more than 25 volumes of "The Orthodox Encyclopedia". It is involved in the dissemination of Orthodox literature and the creation of orthodox films. The Volnoe Delo Foundation supported the production of four episodes of the television documentary "The Pilgrimage to the Eternal City" and the feature film "Pop". Oleg Deripaska is a member of the Board of Trustees of the "The Orthodox Encyclopedia" centre.
- Sretensky Monastery; the Foundation assisted in the restoration of the monastery, in printing and distribution of publications and in the organisation of performances by one of the best Russian men's choirs. The widely known documentary of the vicar of Archimandrite Tikhon Monastery "The Fall of an Empire: Lesson of Byzantium", was created with support from the Foundation.
- Orthodox schools, Sunday schools, spiritual and educational centers, seminaries and academies in 14 regions of Russia. Our involvement includes both one-off support (in the restoration or construction of churches, schools, orphanages, carrying out various activities, publication of books, etc.) and participation in long-term programs (implementation of the social policy of the Russian Orthodox Church).
In addition to activities in Russia, the Foundation is supporting centers of Orthodox culture in Ukraine, Greece, Belarus, Israel, Tajikistan and Montenegro.
Facts and Figures
2 billion rubles for projects in
30 regions of Russia
>70 Orthodox objects were restored