We are always proud of the fact that Russia is one of the most educated countries in the world. According to the International Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development for the year 2012, Russia ranked first in the number of people between 25 and 64 with higher education (54%). However, the quality of educated people is not always about the level of education, but about the motivation to work on their chosen specialty. That is why one of the main focuses of the Foundation is the development of a national education system.
>50 programs and projects
45 regions of Russia
> 130 000 beneficiaries
The low salaries of teachers and professors cause the loss from the profession of some of the best specialists. Education does not perform the function of a social elevator any more.
The role of charitable funds is the creation of innovative mechanisms for the adaptation of the most successful and sustainable practices at the state level.
Volnoe Delo‘s priorities in the field of education
- Alignment of geographical disparities in access to qualitative education
- Support the development of a multidisciplinary education through modernization and the introduction of new interdisciplinary courses
- Promotion of the internationalization of education in Russia, raising the prestige of the Russian education abroad
- Creation of conditions for the development of continuing education
The Foundation works with universities, schools and colleges, with teachers, professors, and professional experts. All our projects are implemented with the support and participation of the federal and regional authorities.
Facts and Figures
520 schools
80 000 pupils
4 000 teachers
69 universities
40 000 students
500 university lecturers
18 vocational schools
1 500 future workers
40 000 young robotics specialists